June 10, 2015


The following is a guide on how to ensure that you have the opportunity to practice during the month of Ramadan.

This information is meant to serve only as a guide to your rights as an employee; not as legal advice. In the event that you need legal advice about your situation, please contact CAIR San Diego (CAIR-SD) so that we can connect you with our attorney.

Federal and California laws protect religious freedoms in all areas of society including places of work.  Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 allows an employee to take time off for "sincerely held beliefs."  These accommodations include religious actions including prayers, religious dress to be worn in the work place, schedule changes so your break fits into Maghreb time for iftar, and leave for congregational (Friday or Eid) prayers. An employer may not retaliate against an employee for his or her request for religious accommodation.

Here are some tips on how to request a religious accommodation:

• Before making your request, review your employer's policy or employee handbook. Follow any procedures stated in the employee manual that addresses how and when to notify your employer of the accommodation.

• Make clear that the reason you are requesting the accommodation is because of your religious belief or practice.

• Follow up verbal requests in writing to ensure a written record is kept.  Keep a personal written record of when and how your request was made, and whether and how it was accommodated.


If your requests for any religious activity including prayer and iftar breaks are not accommodated, please contact CAIR-SD. We can assist you in obtaining reasonable and necessary accommodations.  We can be reached via email at info@sandiego.cair.com or via phone at (858)-278-4547.