March 7, 2015


Rep. Loretta Sanchez is a member of the Homeland Security committee in Congress. Another member of that committee is planning to introduce a bill that will create grants for CVE (Countering Violent Extremism) programs.

The overwhelming majority of Muslim organizations and civil rights organizations are against government led CVE programs.


Please write a letter to Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez.


Address To:

The Honorable Loretta Sanchez

Garden Grove District Office

12397 Lewis Street, Suite 101

Garden Grove, CA 92840


Ask her to oppose and kill the CVE Grants Act for the following reasons:

  1. The CVE effort by the government (DHS, DOJ, and the White House) is focused solely on the Muslim community. This singles out the Muslim community based solely on religion.
  2. CVE programs are based on the “radicalization theory,” which states that there are certain “indicators” that an individual are on a path to being radicalized. This theory has repeatedly been disproven by academics. The “indicators,” like growing a beard, attending a mosque, or criticizing U.S. foreign policy, are all protected under the first amendment. There are also concerns about who decides what indicators would be considered red flags.
  3. The FBI has routinely surveilled Muslim leaders, sent in agent provocateurs and informants to entrap Muslims who feel disenfranchised or have mental health issues. The CVE grants would push more “partnerships” between law enforcement and Muslim communities, and thereby open doors for more surveillance.
  4. Majority of Muslim organizations and civil rights organizations have rejected CVE. The government would be improperly picking “good Muslims” and “bad Muslims” based on who wants to work for them.