May 1, 2020

Dear Community Members and Friends, Asalamu Alaykum.

I want to share the recent release of CAIR California’s statewide Annual Legal Report 2020, which summarizes all civil rights and immigration complaints in 2019 reported to the four CAIR-CA offices throughout the state – San Francisco Bay Area (CAIR-SFBA), San Diego (CAIR-SD), the Greater Los Angeles Area (CAIR-LA), and the Sacramento Valley and Central California areas (CAIR-SV/CC).

CAIR-CA’s legal staff responded to 2,068 incidents in 2019. The incidents reported involved complaints related to religious-based discrimination, anti-Muslim bias incidents, and immigration assistance matters received by all four CAIR-CA offices.

This report highlights some of the local, lived experiences of CAIR’s clients, including a domestic abuse survivor trying to obtain a green card, after fleeing her home while pregnant, and a 12-year old Bay Area native who was forced to remove her headscarf in public, by an Air Canada employee.

At this moment, American Muslims and other marginalized communities are in the cross-hairs of xenophobic, racist, and white supremacist movements that are empowered by the current administration and its policies. However, with your support, CAIR California is committed to ensuring that we protect civil rights and immigrants’ rights and continue to advance justice for all.

Read the report here.

Ammad W. Rafiqi, Esq.
Civil Rights & Legal Services Coordinator