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Donate today to help enhance the understanding of Islam, protect civil rights, promote justice, and empower American Muslim and are tax-deductible (Tax ID: 77-0411194).

Zakat Eligible

Several scholars, including Sheikh Faisal Kutty and Dr. Muzammil Siddiqi, agree that CAIR-CA’s work is zakat-eligible because it collectively advances the services that are provided to the community, fi Sabilillah. However, there are other scholars with a more restrictive definition of zakat eligibility. To accommodate the vast range of religious opinions on this matter, CAIR-CA adheres to specific guidelines to ensure the strictest allocation of zakat funds.

Donors may designate their zakat funds to be allocated towards a specific area of work (e.g., Civic Engagement, Legal Services, and Youth Empowerment). When a donor does not restrict their zakat donation, CAIR-CA will allocate those funds to programs and services which directly help protect the rights of Muslims. They will be allocated as follows:

  • Funds will be allocated to the Legal Department (Civil Rights & Immigration) and the Policy, Advocacy, Government Relations work. This consists of all expenses related to the departments (i.e., program costs, communications, salaries, benefits, management, etc.)
  • Justification:
    • Legal work provides direct services and programs to the community, especially for those with no financial means to receive it otherwise.
    • Policy, Advocacy, Government Relations work leads to the creation of laws that protect the rights of Muslims to freely practice their religion in America.
  •  Funds will not be allocated toward:
    • Fundraising expenses (i.e. banquets, direct mail, etc.)
    • Administrative expenses (i.e. office rent, utilities, etc.)
Tax Return Reports
Nonprofit Compliance