May 7, 2014

Tim Donnelly, the Tea Party favorite for governor of California, apparently noticed that his primary election opponent, Irvine’s Neel Kashkari, picked up endorsements from such nationally known “moderate” Republicans as Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush and Pete Wilson. It might explain why Donnelly, a member of the state Assembly out of Hesperia, is now playing the “Sharia” card.

Donnelly posted on Facebook Monday:

BREAKING: Neel Kashkari supported the United States submitting to the Islamic, Shariah banking code in 2008 when he ran TARP.Shariah is “the seditious religio-political-legal code authoritative Islam seeks to impose worldwide under a global theocracy.”

This revelation is spreading fast, as people like Anita Gunn refer to Mr. Kashkari’s support of Shariah an “October Surprise.”

Donnelly includes links to a tweet by Gunn and a 2008 Washington Times column where conservative critic Frank Gaffney went off on Kashkari’s presumed role at a U.S. Department of Treasury seminar titled “Islamic Finance 101.”


– Additional Coverage –

2014 GOP gov’s race getting uglier: Donnelly website charges Kashkari supports Shariah law
MAY 5, 2014 | San Francisco Chronicle

Rep. Darrell Issa assails Donnelly for linking Kashkari to sharia law
MAY 9, 2014 | Los Angeles Times