January 2, 2022

The Sacramento Valley/Central California office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-SV/CC) tonight offered a community update on Muslim mother Sabha Othman who was reported missing on Thursday.

The Clovis Police Department has reported that Sabha Othman was not abducted or kidnapped. The department’s conclusion was drawn after reviewing surveillance videos and conducting interviews with both friends and family.

READ Clovis: Sabha Othman was not kidnapped from a Winco parking lot, police say (KMPH)

In a statement, CAIR-SV/CC Deputy Executive Director Sukaina Hussain said:

“We appreciate the community’s patience and prayers over the past few days. CAIR-SV/CC was in communication with law enforcement and the family since we learned of the difficult news.

“CAIR-SV/CC will continue to monitor the situation, thanks the Clovis Police Department for its urgent response and investigation, and appreciates the community’s vigilance and caution as Islamophobia is a real fear, particularly for women in hijab.

“We thank God that this situation was not related to any Islamophobic act. CAIR-SV/CC will continue to serve the community and ask that you contact us if you experience or witness any violation of civil liberties by contacting the CAIR-SV/CC’s Civil Rights Department at 916-441-6269 or by filing a report at bit.ly/cairsvcccivilrights.”