April 3, 2019

Sacramento Immigration Coalition Members Will Be Among the Speakers Thursday at the Truth & Poverty Bus Tour

(SACRAMENTO, CA, 4/2/19) – The California Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival’s Truth & Poverty Bus Tour will stop in Sacramento on Thursday, April 4, as part of an effort to highlight crises facing the nation’s 140 million poor, low-income people. The campaign is part of the nationwide National Emergency Truth & Poverty Bus Tour.

READ: A Moral Agenda Based on Fundamental Rights (Poor People’s Campaign)

On April 1, the campaign began its tour in Northern California near the border with Oregon in the Yurok Reservation “to ground us from the beginning in the understanding on who’s lands we are standing on and remind us that these communities have been suffering poverty, systemic racism, ecological devastation and the war economy from the inception of this country.”

The Sacramento stop will feature local members and allies of the Poor People’s Campaign, including members of the Sacramento Immigration Coalition, who will be speaking about the conditions at the immigrant detention center in Yolo County.

READ: Advocates speak for Yuba County Jail detainees (Appeal-Democrat)

WHAT: California Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival bus tour stop in Sacramento

WHEN: 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday, April 4. Townhall Meeting 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.; March and Rally 1-2 p.m.

WHERE: Townhall will be at A Community Space, 400 16th St., Sacramento; March and Rally will be at Loaves and Fishes at Ahern and B Street in Sacramento.

DETAILS: The Townhall will include freedom songs, testimonials and the release of a position paper providing a collective critique of the Mayor’s 40 Million Proposal to Address Emergency Shelters. It will also feature local speakers, including Sacramento Immigration Coalition members Carlos Montes-Ponce and Saad Sweilem, CAIR-SV civil rights attorney. The March and Rally will include members and allies of the Poor People’s Campaign to commemorate the day, to stand as moral witness, and to call for an end to homelessness, the housing crisis, and the immigration detention system where immigrants are often subjected to harsh conditions of confinement and denied access to adequate medical care, legal counsel and family contact.

CONTACT: Ruth Ibarra, ibarraruth@gmail.com, 916-949-9506; Faye Wilson Kennedy, co-chair, California Poor People’s Campaign, fayek@springmail.com, 916-812-7429