March 6, 2017

(SACRAMENTO, CA 3/6/2017) – The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation's largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, today held a news conference at its Capitol Hill headquarters in Washington, D.C., to respond to the signing of President Trump's new "Muslim Ban 2.0" executive order.

VIDEO: CAIR Muslim Ban 2.0 News Conference

In his prepared statement, CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad said:

"This scaled-back order represents a partial victory for Americans fighting for the rights of immigrants in the U.S. and directly responds to several immigration cases and scenarios brought forward in CAIR's anti-ban lawsuit.

"While this is a major political defeat for the Trump administration – we cannot now be complacent. We must continue to fight this discriminatory and unconstitutional executive action.

"As White House Adviser Steven Miller promised, this watered-down 'Muslim Ban 2.0' was retooled to achieve the same unconstitutional policy outcome as the first deeply-flawed order. We believe this desired policy outcome is in fulfillment of now-President Trump's campaign pledge to ban Muslims from entering the U.S. This order stills stigmatizes the faith of Islam and Muslim. It does not make America any safer, but does make America LESS great.

"This Muslim order still blocks travel to the U.S. by citizens from six Muslim-majority countries.

"CAIR continues to receive reports of unconstitutional and systematic ideological questioning of American-Muslim citizens and foreign travelers by CBP about their religious values and political views.

"Just recently Muhammad Ali's son, Muhammad Ali Jr. while traveling with his mother, was detained and according to reports asked at least twice about his religion. Religious screening is un-American and remains unconstitutional.

"14 million doctors' appointments are provided each year by physicians from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen – the six countries targeted by the recent Executive Order, according to the new website, which shows the threat to health care in the areas of our nation served by these doctors from the targeted countries.

"The driving force behind this Muslim Ban are the Islamophobes and White supremacists employed by the Trump Administration, including Sebastian Gorka, Steve Bannon, and Stephen Miller. This order is just a preview of future anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant policy proposals being fed to President Trump by his Islamophobic advisers.

"This Administration is actively working to undercut religious liberties and the freedom of American Muslims, despite Constitutional protections that guarantee freedom of religion to all."

At its news conference, CAIR launched a "Register Me First" (#RegisterMeFirst) website, produced in partnership with the Los Angeles-based design and technology studio Use All Five, to challenge President Trump's Islamophobic policies, including the Muslim ban and a proposed "Muslim registry." will provide an opportunity for anyone who wants to oppose the Muslim ban, any future Muslim registry or other unconstitutional actions by the Trump administration to join the broader movement challenging those unjust policies.

CAIR is America's largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.

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CONTACT:   CAIR-SV Communications & Outreach Coordinator Muhammad Saifullah, 916.441.6269,