May 1, 2021

Assalamu Alaikum,

The blessings, mercy, and forgiveness of Allah have allowed us to approach these last 10 nights of Ramadan with grateful and fulfilled hearts. May your fasting, prayers, and worship be accepted.

CAIR-SFBA has continued to show up for the community during this holy month. While observing the COVID guidelines, we have been able to safely resume in-person outreach at our local masasjid.

This gives us hope that in due time, we will be able to reunite with our loved ones and celebrate our resilience together.

Now we prepare to search for Laylat-al-Qadr (The Night of Power), a night better than 1,000 months (Qur’an 97:3), which falls during these last 10 blessed nights. On this night, our reward for anything we do for others or for faith is multiplied, and the rewards are even greater. So more than at any other time during Ramadan, now we encourage you to lean into the spirit of giving to ensure we can maintain our efforts to support those most vulnerable.

In the past year, your support has enabled us to: 

  1. Work with our partners to pass a groundbreaking Controlled Equipment Ordinance in Berkeley for transparency, accountability, and oversight in the use of militarized equipment.
  2. Provide free civil rights and immigration legal services to over 700 people last year.
  3. Sue the government four times last year, on behalf of Muslims facing racist delays in their immigration applications. We won every single case.
  4. Protest, counsel, sue, and advocate against the Muslim Ban. This year, we celebrated the beginning of the end of the Ban.
  5. File a complaint against and rally hundreds of people to email the Santa Clara County Sheriff’s office after a Muslim woman was reportedly stripped of her hijab while in custody.
  6. Help stop Oakland Police Department’s participation in the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF), protecting our community from local law enforcement being used by the federal government for racial profiling.
  7. Train over 250 students through our various programs and internships to ensure the next generation of American Muslim leaders is confident in their faith and their community.
  8. Ensure American Muslims were counted in the 2020 Census by hosting numerous in-person and virtual events and making over 50,000 phone calls to Muslim homes.
  9. Empower Muslim voters to participate in the 2020 election with local and state voter guides, 10 candidate forums, and 40,000 personalized text messages to answer questions and provide information.
  10. Publish Op-eds in several different news outlets including San Francisco Chronicle, San Jose Spotlight, and East Bay Times to amplify American Muslim perspectives

These are just 10 of the many reasons you should donate to CAIR-SFBA in the last 10 days of Ramadan. Find even more in our recent annual report and legal report, available online now.

Can you risk missing out on this occasion’s bountiful rewards? In these last 10 days of Ramadan, what better way than to donate your zakat or sadaqa, and multiply your continuous reward creating a lasting legacy of blessings.

In addition to using the button above to give directly via our website, you can also donate by:

  • Visiting our PayPal Giving Fund, where there are zero processing fees
  • Mailing a check to CAIR-SFBA, 3160 De La Cruz Blvd., Ste. 110, Santa Clara CA 95054
  • Contributing stock, by emailing us at
  • Doubling your donation through your employer’s matching gifts program
  • NEW – Cryptocurrency: If you need to pay zakat on your cryptocurrency or simply want to make a sadaqa contribution, you can do so via Coinbase
May Allah accept your good deeds throughout the remainder of this month. Jazaka’Allah khair.
Zahra Billoo, Esq.
Executive Director