December 8, 2015

The Council on American-Islamic Relations, the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, condemns Donald Trump’s statement today to ban all Muslims from America.
CAIR-SFBA Executive Director Zahra Billoo, said in a statement: “Donald Trump’s increasingly dangerous comments seek to sow fear and hatred among Americans. This type of speech should not be tolerated from any individual, let alone a Presidential candidate. While Mr. Trump has a First Amendment right to his bigoted views, we too have a First Amendment right to speak out against and condemn his xenophobia.”
CAIR representatives are available for further media comments in the Sacramento Valley and San Francisco Bay Area.
Presidential candidates from both parties spoke up again Trump’s comments. Democratic candidate Martin O’Malley said Trump “removes all doubt; he is running for President as a fascist demagogue.” Staff from Republican candidate John Kasich called Trump’s rhetoric “dangerous and bad for America.”
Trump has in the recent past advocated the closure of American mosques and recommended special IDs and databases for American Muslims.
CAIR recently joined leaders of New Jersey’s Muslim community, interfaith partners and public officials in Jersey City, N.J., to condemn leading Trump’s false claim that Muslims in that state “celebrated” the 9/11 terror attacks.