June 21, 2014

A look into some recent complaints received by CAIR’s Northern California offices:

  • Following a minor contract dispute with an independent contractor, a community member became the target of repeated and severe harassment. The contractor sent dozens of hate filled voicemails and text messages to the community member containing threats and racially derogatory language, even filing a frivolous legal claim completely unrelated to the contract dispute as part of his harassment. Brice Hamack, CAIR’s Northern California Civil Rights Coordinator, assisted the community member in reporting the behavior to city and county law enforcement, helped him prepare a defense to the frivolous legal claim, and accompanied him to court. The judge dismissed the frivolous legal claim, and publicaly reprimanded the contractor in open court for his harassing and threatening behavior.
  • A student attending a higher education institution in the Sacramento area reported Islamophobic comments being made by one of his professors, along with the encouragement of Islamophobic dialogue in the class. The student had reported the behavior himself to the school, but had not seen any changes. Brice Hamack, CAIR’s Northern California Civil Rights Coordinator, reached out to top level leadership within the institution, and received immediate acknowledgement that the problem would be addressed appropriately. No more complaints have been received regarding the professor’s inappropriate behavior.

To file a civil rights complaint or seek assistance, please contact CAIR-SFBA by calling 408.986.9874 or completing this form.