November 6, 2020

As Salaamu Alaykum,

Dear Community Members and Friends,

Please join us this Saturday, November 7 at 6:30pm at CAIR-CA’s first statewide virtual banquet, where we will highlight the challenges and victories of the past year and share our plans for the future.


We will gather after this gut-wrenching election, and no matter what has happened, we know our work must rise to the occasion.

During the unprecedented year that 2020 has been, CAIR-SFBA staff have:

  • Expanded our legal services in response to COVID-19 to include advice and guidance on housing issues, stimulus payments, and unemployment benefits
  • Provided free legal advice and services to hundreds of individuals seeking assistance with various immigration matters including asylum, adjustment of status, citizenship, and removal defense
  • Trained over 200 youth with our statewide team in virtual series including Muslim Youth Live, Muslim Youth Leadership Intensive, and Muslim Gamechangers Network
  • Partnered with religious leaders to facilitate educational efforts around the Census, dispelling fears and encouraging a complete count
  • Mobilized thousands of Muslims toward meaningful participation in the 2020 election through educational events and direct voter engagement

CAIR-SFBA has continued to adapt its work, empowering and defending our local community amid many difficulties. While the future feels uncertain, what we know for sure is that we will forge ahead together.

We are leaning in to hope, and asking for your support to help safeguard the liberties of Muslims and, by extension, all Americans.

CAIR-SFBA needs to raise $500,000 between now and the end of the year to ensure we can finish what we have begun and enter 2021 strong.

Please plan to attend the banquet and to continue your support of CAIR.

Your donations make the incredible work our staff does possible. Your tax-deductible, Zakat-eligible, contributions of $50, $100, $250, $2,500, $5,000, or any amount you are able to give, will go a long way to ensure CAIR continues to rise to the occasion, whatever it may be.

Jazaka’Allah khair,

Musaab Attaras

Governance Board President