July 8, 2016

Here is How You Can Take Action

As Salaam Alaikum,
For too long now, unarmed Black men and women have been killed in police interactions. Thus far this year, over 130 Black men and women have been killed in such circumstances.
This week, our hearts broke as we learned about the deaths of Philandro Castile and Alton Sterling. And we have since watched in horror with news that yesterday’s peaceful anti-police brutality protests in Dallas turned violent when an armed gunman with no ties to any organization or group allegedly began shooting at police officers, resulting in the tragic deaths of five police officers.
During times like these, it can be easy to feel helpless. The list of things you can do below is intended to empower you to put your frustration and grief into action, channeling it effectively for good.

Zahra Billoo, Esq.
Executive Director
CAIR San Francisco Bay Area