December 30, 2020

As Salaamu Alaikum,

It’s hard to believe it has been nearly nine months since a global pandemic brought the whole world to a standstill. However, as 2020 ends we are looking back on this year with gratitude.

Your support enabled us to rise to the challenge as we provided legal assistance to those who needed it the most and worked to mobilize Muslims in record numbers. You helped us navigate critical obstacles and celebrate victories, including:

  • Ensuring American Muslims were counted in the 2020 Census by hosting numerous in-person and virtual events, supporting 25 venues with educational materials, and making over 50,000 phone calls to Muslim homes
  • Empowering American Muslim voters to participate in the 2020 election with local and state voter guides, 10 candidate forums, and 40,000 personalized text messages to answer questions and provide information
  • Supporting over 700 individuals facing civil rights and immigration challenges, including nearly 30 facing pandemic related economic issues, over 100 who were stranded abroad, and over 200 who sought to become US citizens
  • Helping stop Oakland Police Department’s participation in the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF), protecting our community from local law enforcement being used by the federal government for racial profiling
  • Training over 250 students through our various programs and internships to ensure the next generation of American Muslims leaders is confident in their faith and committed to civil rights and civic engagement
  • Working with our allies to train over 800 participants in our Bystander Intervention curriculum so that they are empowered with the skills and knowledge needed to interrupt hate crimes and incidents
  • Coordinating over 50 community meetings with local, state, and federal elected officials to advocate on issues of Islamophobia domestically and abroad
  • Publishing op-ed articles in the San Francisco Chronicle and San Jose Spotlight, and facilitating nearly 100 interviews with newspaper, radio, and television outlets to amplify American Muslim perspectives

As we plan for the year ahead, we are turning to you, in transparency, to share our work and seek your support. Allah’s mercy and your generosity make our work possible.

We need to raise $73,975 by the end of the year to sustain our work in 2021.

Please donate $50, $100, $500, $1,000, $5,000 or any amount you are able, to ensure we can rise together. As always, your contributions are tax-deductible and zakat-eligible.


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Jazaka’Allah khair for your duas and donations.
