April 27, 2016

This past Monday, April 25, over 600 Muslims of all ages from across California held over 90 advocacy meetings with elected officials and their staff in Sacramento as part of the fifth-annual
Muslim Day at the Capitol (MDAC) organized by the California chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-CA). Among the attendees, over 250 were delegates from the Bay Area.
WATCH: Hundreds Turn Out for CAIR-CA Muslim Day at the Capitol (KGET 17)
Participants sought the support of their legislators on four issues in efforts to promote just, equitable and progressive policies within the State. These included protections for immigrants, measures to prevent school bullying, the right to engage in boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS), and police accountability.
The event’s legislative agenda was as following:
1. AB 2844 (Oppose) – This anti-BDS bill would prohibit the state of California from investing in business firms or financial institutions that participate in BDS targeting Israel, and use the most recent federal report on politically motivated acts of BDS.
2. AB 2845 (Support) – Promotes identifications of strategies and programs to address bullying in schools.
3. AB 2792 (Support) – The TRUTH Act establishes a transparent process, including community engagement, prior to local law enforcement participation in ICE deportation programs.
4. SB 1286 (Support) – Builds law enforcement accountability and transparency by allowing the public access to information on police misconduct and giving power back to civilian oversight bodies to effectively monitor police.
MDAC participants heard from a variety of speakers including Jewish Voice for Peace-Sacramento’s David Mandel, Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones, Speaker of the Assembly Anthony Rendon (CA-63), and Muslim Student Association West Vice President Khwaja Ahmed.
The Muslim community’s size, diversity, and civic engagement was the highlight of the day.
“Muslim Day at the Capitol is a chance for our community to communicate with government representatives and express our concerns directly,” said CAIR-SFBA Executive Director Zahra Billoo. “The 600 people present today are advocating for civil and human rights for all Californians.”
MDAC 2016 Group